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LED Lights Illuminate Flux Cocoon in Switzerland

Navigating European cities’ intricate systems of bridges, trains, subways and pedestrian walkways can make some of us feel as if we’re tied in knots. Allegory, a Switzerland-based design and architecture firm, took that concept and ran with it in a new art installation located in the heart of Lausanne, Switzerland. Made from wood, metal cables and flexible LED strip, “Flux Cocoon”  ’is an architectural masterpiece and an eye catching piece of public art that makes being a pedestrian a bit more fun. The piece is installed in the city’s major transportation hub, called the Flon, and symbplizing the confluence of vertical and horizontal movement. The bright orange LED outdoor lights (1100 meters of them, to be exact!) crisscross one another in an astonishingly dynamic way, hopefully reminding those walking through the knot of LED lights that while traveling can be chaotic, the frenzy can be soothed by looking up and enjoying the scenery around you.k

